“ME is a neurological condition, it is a fluctuating life limiting condition that affects every part of the patient’s life.”

        Chaos to Cosmos
The path from chaos to cosmos was discovered by telling one's life story

Sunday, 13 April 2008

Sunday Supplement ...

Well, the little "fur people" got me up for their breakfast at 8.30 (never could get them to understand the concept of Sunday lie-ins), but I felt utterly shattered, like I hadn't been to sleep (even though I slept all night) and just felt nauseous, achy, cold, sickly ... So I went back to bed again, naturally. Actually, I put the kids TV programs on and intended to vegetate there watching for a bit, then get up, but I just could not keep awake.

Next thing I knew was the landlady's brother-in-law banging incessantly on the door at 11.30. The landlady had obviously sent him, obviously worried about her water bill. He wanted to know if I had water running, because he'd checked the meter and said it was "spinning round". Of course, I'd been asleep, so I wasn't using any water. There was a minor hiss from the loo cistern, but no visible evidence of water running or leaking. He reckons that the new valve isn't right either ... The upshot is I now have to turn the stopcock on and off to use the toilet. The stopcock outside is turned off to the dribbling water heater too. Washing machine now doesn't have a water supply either and still won't work. 

And I'm calling the insurance company again in the morning.