Chaos to Cosmos
The path from chaos to cosmos was discovered by telling one's life story

Thursday, 20 November 2008

Irony at its most comical

My mother never believes a word I say, which is a whole other saga, but I'm now 100% certain that this is not because of something I've done or not done (and I wasted decades trying to work out what it was), but is because she expects "fantasy", merely because everything she ever says is made up to suit her own childish fantasy. Why should she expect better from anyone else?

She is entirely unreasonable and behaves like a child, as many old people do, but this absolute refusal or inability to communicate sensibly, over even the simplest of things, is way beyond that. As well as the fantasy (making up stories, wheedling, barefaced lies), she throws tantrums worse than a toddler.

Then she tells me how the woman next door's mother's stroke sent her a bit round the bend and made her unreasonable and demanding of illogical things.

If I bite my tongue any harder, I'll chew straight through it.