“ME is a neurological condition, it is a fluctuating life limiting condition that affects every part of the patient’s life.”

        Chaos to Cosmos
The path from chaos to cosmos was discovered by telling one's life story

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Car Number

Not the actual registration, but ...
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
: Matters came to a head again today, when I finally met a woman my mother knows - who it transpires is in contact with a so-called [former] "family-friend". This woman, I learned, took it upon herself to inform him what I'm supposedly doing wrong, the result of which this man turned up here in Nov 2008 to give me the Inquisition and was ready to throw me out on the street on the basis of the false accusations my mother has made against me.

My mother has now admitted having told this woman that she "did not believe there was anything wrong with me", but has since claimed that she has now explained the truth of my situation (and official doctor's diagnosis, etc.) 

What transpired PROVES categorically that the truth has not been explained, because, if it had, the woman would not have behaved towards me as she did.

Push my mother on the issue and she says it's not her fault (nothing ever is), if these people won't change their attitudes. They've been told, she claims. She then criticises them behind their backs for being “like that” and the sort that “fly off the handle”, etc. It seems clear to me that mother has been (deliberately) surrounding herself with the sort of people who will most readily accept her one-sided telling of a story. More telling is that this type seem to be the ONLY ones left who pay her any regular court. This way, not only are they the sort who will accept her stories without considering both sides, they are those most easily manipulated into supporting her, but she can also blame them for doing so.

They're too daft to see that they've been manipulated and I'm sure they have no idea that, whilst she slags me off to them, she also slags them off to me.

For a while I toyed with the idea of having some responsibility to point this out to them. Since, despite all demonstrable the evidence in my favour, they persist in helping her to bully me, I no longer feel much compunction to do so. They're grown-ups. They've already decided that they are not going to believe me, which does bother me, but all it really says it that these are the opinions of idiots.

Anyway, it was already obvious to me that her “truth has been explained” claim was false, as it was in relation to the neighbour who had verbally attacked me.

In both cases, it's clear that mother has avoided doing anything whatsoever. I would estimate that this is because she can see no way to backtrack on what she's already said without admitting fault. She always has a ready excuse why fault always lies with me, someone else or is the result of mere ignorance – i.e. poor thing, she knew no better. Such ignorance, in law, would be no defence. 

Mother also claims that she has only told this woman and the woman next door that she "did not believe there was anything wrong with me" and no-one else, but what she doesn't know is that I have been told from another source – one who can see right through her, who came to see me when she knew my mother was out - that mother has been telling the same story to an entire group (club) of people, so I imagine that she's slagged me off in a fairly widespread manner.

Despite having the logic explained several times, mother absolutely refuses to acknowledge that saying “did not believe” is the same as telling people that what I say must be untrue and that infers that I'm a liar. Everyone else I've put this to, agrees that would be any reasonable person's understanding of her statements. Most also agree that this appears to be carefully measured phrasing.

The so-called family friend had also said that "people don't want to meet me.” I now know he was referring only to this one woman and, obviously, as she hadn't ever met me and no-one else she knows, other than him and my mother, knows me, her judgement also can only be on the basis of my mother's lies.

It's obvious, to me, this is what's going on here.

He also said "people" don't want to come to the house, and with it he inferred that this is because of my presence and because I am such a horrible person, but what I've been told, again from this other source (who incidentally is one of my mother's friends), is that it is my mother who TOLD people not to visit, but she's been giving them an entirely different excuse - because she did not want to be seen looking awful while she was undergoing medical treatment.  

It’s absolutely obvious that she’s telling different stories to different people, deliberately, to create division, arguments, manipulate them into attacking me, present herself as the ‘victim’ and remain the centre of attention.

Anyway, when I realized that this particular woman was coming to pick my mother up today - I'd guessed because she was being so carefully evasive and non-specific about who was coming, so I asked my mother who she was alluding to - that I decided I'd go out and attempt to speak to the woman. 

The wrong is being done to me and I have every right to defend myself.

At this point, I merely walked away in the direction of my room and had said absolutely nothing about my intentions - mostly because I was still thinking what I would do and say, when suddenly I heard mother stage whispering (she often does this) something about "car number". At first, I thought she was thinking she would call their car / mobile phone to put them off. But no, for some reason, she had become fixated and fearful - literally panicking - over the idea that I would be able to get their car registration number. Why, to do what, I have no idea. 

Then she began walking repeatedly backwards and forwards between the front door and the driveway to see if they were coming (presumably, so she could catch them and get away quickly.) Then said she thought they were here and was out of the door, slamming it, gone, with not another word. They hadn't arrived. 

Next, I could see mother trying to hide like some fugitive behind the wall at the end of the driveway (from my room, I can just see that) and was "looking over her shoulder" (round the corner of the wall) toward the house to see if I was looking. Clearly the behaviour of someone who feels they have something to hide.

When I heard a car coming into the close, I walked outside without undue hurry. By the time I reached the driveway, Mother had already got into the back of the car and had slammed the door in obvious haste and, I was just in time to hear her literally screaming out in panic, "Get away, get away," i.e. she appeared to be telling her friends to drive away quickly before I could do whatever dreadful thing she was sure I was going to do. Yeah, tell them the truth, obviously!

That was unexpected enough, but I kept my composure and signalled for her to open the car door and said in quizzical (OK, astounded) tone that I did not think "Get away, get away," was appropriate to say when her daughter was approaching, but "that aside," I said ... moving my gaze to the friend and her partner, and very calmly (believe me this took a LOT of work!) said to them that, when they had the opportunity, I would like to speak to them, because I think they are being told things about me that are not necessarily true. That's all I said, perfectly calmly.

At which they just flew off the handle and launched at me, unprovoked. My mother flatly denied saying "Get away, get away," and they backed her up also denying that she'd said it. F*ck me, I know what I heard and yet they made me doubt it, made me wonder if I'm hallucinating and going around the bend (and I think that's deliberately intended too.) They told me to "just go away". Then the woman got out of the car, ready to take a pop at me, but snapped something like she would not have me upsetting my mother! (Boot's on the other foot!)

Obviously, it's distressing enough to have my name blackened all over the place and to encounter so much open hostility towards me - made worse because I know it sounds like paranoia when I tell anyone the story - but since this now clearly involves several or maybe many people, I can't see how I can ignore it. 

And I can't, because mother BEGS me to do nothing and my instinct and 52 years of experience of her bullying, tells me to speak out and stand up for myself.