“ME is a neurological condition, it is a fluctuating life limiting condition that affects every part of the patient’s life.”

        Chaos to Cosmos
The path from chaos to cosmos was discovered by telling one's life story

Friday, 7 December 2007

The Stupid People Toilets

The Stupid People Toilets
The Stupid People Toilets

After reading these (albeit, ironically, grammatically crap) instructions for the use of the normal latrine, I couldn't resist looking at what one might be restricted to using, if one were too dumb to follow those rules. And this is it. 

Some people have life so soft! Well, I've used various strange holes in the ground at various places around the world, but these "Stupid People Toilets" look an awful lot like the toilets provided for festival goers to Knebworth waaaaaay back in 1979. (Led Zeppelin headlined and they were still young then too!)

Only these look a heck of a lot better. Luxury even. Honestly! At Knebworth, there was a 2x1 frame and no privacy giving panels. The Knebworth design also did NOT have doors, just a half sack nailed roughly in place and which, quickly went "mysteriously" missing. (You've also got to wonder what kind of "animal" steals pieces of already used, ripped sack from a toilet and, especially one that disgusting.) And, don't forget that I only visited the "Ladies"! 

The Knebworth versions also did NOT have toilet seats, just a roughly circular orifice cut into the construction, the entire of which was constructed over THE most disgustingly smelly OPEN PIT in an otherwise open field. And still, the users of said disgusting things were "too stupid" to confine their emissions. Pigs in a sty, shitting where they walk, live in similar, if pleasanter, conditions!

You gotta wonder really, whom is most stupid. Rock festival goers who pay a goodly number of pounds to spend the weekend in a field, using toilets that no human being, not even a refugee from the world's worst disaster would use, in their right mind. At least you're paid to use them in the military! 

Photo by violinsoldier