“ME is a neurological condition, it is a fluctuating life limiting condition that affects every part of the patient’s life.”

        Chaos to Cosmos
The path from chaos to cosmos was discovered by telling one's life story

Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Kitty is Hissing


You'd hardly know the poor things were here, but the cats are clearly a real nuisance. Mother just won't deal with the idea of shutting doors to make sure they don't escape. When she leaves doors or windows wide open and I point it out, I'm told that it "wasn't much". Of course, in all the years I've had cats - well over 40 - I couldn't possibly have got to know what size gap a cat can get through, could I? 

So I have to keep my eyes on her the whole time, or keep the cats shut in with me (which I also can’t achieve, because they need to get to their food and litter box and my mother opens the door and barges into my room whenever she likes).

She's forever finding fault and shouting at the cats, even when they’re not doing anything wrong (which I've told her time and time again NOT to do), so it's no wonder poor, timid Kitty isn't settling in and has now taken to hissing at my mother, which makes my mother, unjustifiably, even angrier with the cat. 

I despair, because Kitty's reaction of cowering and hiding is not getting any better and, this could become a habit to send a former wild cat wild again.

And, for as long as Kitty isn't happy, I won't be able to let her out, because she might run away. And, for as long as the cats don't go out, they'll be in the way, shouted at and will take longer to relax and settle. It's a chicken and egg situation that can ONLY be solved if my mother would stop scaring the poor cats.