“ME is a neurological condition, it is a fluctuating life limiting condition that affects every part of the patient’s life.”

        Chaos to Cosmos
The path from chaos to cosmos was discovered by telling one's life story

Sunday, 20 July 2008

Legitimate complaints

It's interesting, but even when I have a clear and justified complaint, my mother always BEGS me not to complain. 

She did this again, literally in panic, the other day when I mentioned a bank that gave me bad service. She was convinced that if I tried to resolve the matter, it would “come back on me.” Why the f*ck would something “come back on me,” when it's a legitimate complaint?

Was this the feelings of a rampant working class Eastender, scared shitless of rising above her “place”?

Was it British, we must not complain and must apologise for living shite?

Finally the penny dropped: If you lie and make false accusations, those jolly well will come back and bite you and, once again, she's projecting her own faults.

It is my contention and, I believe her actions point to this being true, that my mother doesn’t ever want me to make complaints or "sort things out", because she thinks people only ever make false complaints, because she knows that’s what she does. She also fears that while doing so, I will (and I will) discover other untruths she's told about me in order for her to play the victim / innocent party.

Of course, these are not things anyone can just tell you. You have to look for demonstrable facts, things which back up a story. Real evidence. Funny that, because I can provide plenty to back up various things I've said. 

My mother can't. Being caught out is what's making her so venomous.