“ME is a neurological condition, it is a fluctuating life limiting condition that affects every part of the patient’s life.”

        Chaos to Cosmos
The path from chaos to cosmos was discovered by telling one's life story

Thursday, 14 August 2008

Britain's Really Disgusting Foods

Moldy beetroot

Really, there is something not at all right about this beetroot going moldy after only a few days, in a Tupperware, in the fridge. We'd also had fish go off from Monday to Thursday one week; In a cupboard, potatoes and carrots go soft and manky in only a couple of days, onions went all green and furry ...

All the fruit and veg here is too ripe and won't keep long enough to shop weekly. It's mostly packaged and sweats in the plastic, so I open it and put it on sunny windowsills to dry it before it's put away, but it all still goes funny after only 2-3 days. The quality is truly dreadful, compared to the beautiful, fresh produce in the Canary Islands. But the best part, according to my mother ...

This didn't happen until I got here!

It CAN'T be her fault (nothing ever is) and the house can't be damp, so it must be me. All it does is confirm that she NEVER bought anything fresh previously.